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Increse your website's traffic in 6 easy SEO steps, You never expect

How to increase your website traffic in 6 easy steps


1.Optimize the speed of site:

Speed of website plays main role in your website. More loading time can affect on your search engine rank. Also affects your visitors experience

“If you are on that place and searching for any website which is taking lot of time to load. Obviously you will leave that site"

Tip: compress the size of large files

2. Using Https over Http is beneficial :

Http ensures that the data transfer between browser and web server is secure. Over 96% of web pages that rank in the top 10 results are in Https and this number is growing through time. Also, Google has officially stated that Https is a ranking signal

3. Acquire new trend:

Trend shows that where flow of traffic is going. Research for newest trends and implement in your website.

4.Update regularly:

Your website needs constantly new content which will show's your website is living

Post blogs,news and new product's regularly

5.Give some offers:

offers are the best way to attract people toward's your website. Include some ebooks ,free templates and free membership.

6.Use social media for marketing :

Social networking giant's attracts huge volume of traffic. Facebook alone has more than 1 billion daily active user,s .Other are LinkedIn ,Google+,Twitter and Instagram


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